Unique facade of BFC Gulliver - news from SEC Gulliver

Unique facade of BFC Gulliver

Gulliver facade is a unique design, the size of which is 17,000 square meters. It is the largest project in Europe. Being in the heart of the capital, Gulliver with the help of lighting creates a mood for Kiev and guests of the capital.

The purpose of the facade is to be the main poster of the city. In this way, we informed people about important events in the city and the country, such as Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days, Eurovision, football matches and various championships. For 5 years we have been supporting such important events as: Day for Premature Babies, Animals and UAnimals, Down Syndrome Foundation, Tabletochki Charitable Foundation. We also inform about the month of the fight against breast cancer, highlight the facade for various UN initiatives, broadcast the main award of the country Teacher prize, together celebrate the Independence Day of Ukraine and the Day of embroidery. Our task is to form the knowledge of citizen about various events.

We are always open to all people without discrimination on any grounds — gender, race, skin color, religion, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

During the pandemic, we were the only ones who supported the Ministry of Health and published daily statistics and rules of conduct in public places. Together with UNICEF, a large and very important project was implemented about the heroes who supported the life of our country during the pandemic.

The Gulliver facade is an advertising platform. It featured advertising messages of such brands as: Mercedes, Procter & Gamble, Kyivstar, embassies of different countries, events of football and hockey clubs, representation of various candidates for the local elections of Ukraine 2020 and many other information events.

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