

Shop AUTO МОЙКА 2 P- floor AUTO МОЙКА - it is your comfortable car wash in the business heart of the capital of Ukraine!  Shop Atelier 3 floor Atelier for repair of clothes Skilled weaver provides services ✓repair of all types of clothing ✓repair of fur and leather products ✓replacement of sewing accessories ✓selection of all types of fabrics, leather, fur and sewing accessories Shop 5 floor is the easiest and most affordable way to buy a ticket for any event held in Ukraine. Concerts of popular Ukrainian and foreign stars and groups, events in bars, clubs, on the outskirts of nature - tickets for any show can be bought in one place.  Shop Chudoviy podarunok 0 floor Packaging of gifts and accessories for the holiday. Shop Chudoviy podarunok 2 floor Shop Currency exchange 0 floor Currency exchange at a favorable rate Shop DENTAL CARE OFFICE 6 floor It is not a clinic! It is an office! It is a new dental care culture  Shop Jewelry Repair 1 P- floor Jewelry Repair Shop Nova Poshta 1 floor Nova Poshta – fast and reliable delivery Shop Payment terminals 0 floor In EasyPay terminals you can renew bank cards and pay for services in the amount of over 5 thousand. UAH for extra money!Terminals are presented on: 0, 5 and 6th milestones Shop Payment terminals 5 floor 5 floor In EasyPay terminals you can renew bank cards and pay for services in the amount of over 5 thousand. UAH for extra money!Terminals are presented on: 0, 5 and 6th milestones Shop Ruki-nozhnizi 2 floor Beauty Bar «Ruki-Nozhnitsi» is a beauty space in the center of Kyiv  Shop Shelter of Gulliver shopping center - floor Shop SKY FITNESS 10 floor SKY FITNESS - a network of sports clubs in the open air. The club area is divided into two parts.  Shop TEZ TOUR 4 floor TEZ TOUR is a high-quality service for tourists on the most popular destinations of foreign tourism. Professional managers who are well versed in the tourism market. We choose reliable airlines and the best hotels. We are able to offer ample opportunities for tourists to relax, organize an excursion to a seminar or conference, children's rest, VIP tours. Shop TM BRIGHT 'N' CLUB 1 P- floor Repair and restoration of shoes and haberdashery of any complexity.  Shop Watch Repair 1 P- floor Watch repair of any complexity, 1 year warranty.Making curly glasses from sapphire, mineral.Restoration of buildings made of steel and precious metals.Making leather straps of exotic animals.Polishing jewelry. Glasses repair. Shop Ощадбанк 1 floor Ukrainian bank Shop Оренда парасольок - floor Rent of umbrellas Shop Фото-експрес 3 floor “Photo-express” – the whole range of photographic services.Top Albums and frames of world brands. We offer services such as: photos to documents,Xerox, printing, laminating, scanning, print on canvas, T-shirts, cases, cups, magnets, puzzles, large-format printing and so much more interesting.