Repair and restoration of shoes and haberdashery of any complexity. Replacing parts. Preparation for the season. Repainting and toning. Complex care. Delivery and Guarantee.

AUTO МОЙКА - it is your comfortable car wash in the business heart of the capital of Ukraine!

Atelier for repair of clothes Skilled weaver provides services
✓repair of all types of clothing
✓repair of fur and leather products
✓replacement of sewing accessories
✓selection of all types of fabrics, leather, fur and sewing accessories

The Yenot-24 dry cleaning chain in Kyiv has a long and impressive history, spanning over ten years of successful operations. Founded in 2014, it quickly became a market leader due to its excellent quality of workmanship and innovative approaches. Currently, the chain consists of 10 branches in Kyiv, and also offers courier delivery and new mail delivery.