The largest 3D installation in Europe appeared in Kiev! - news from SEC Gulliver

The largest 3D installation in Europe appeared in Kiev!

On September 29, a unique 3D show was presented on the multimedia screens of the Gulliver shopping center for the first time in Ukraine. Technologies from «Back to the Future 2» can now be seen in the center of our capital. The new project is dedicated to the eighth birthday of Gulliver and the theme of space will be broadcasted daily on screens from 19:00 to 22:00 every half hour.

The "space" installation was developed by Expolight, which specializes in lighting design in Ukraine. The company's specialists in their work have created an optical illusion with depth of the image, which allows you to recreate the "wow effect". As the founder of the company, Nikolai Kabulka, says: “For almost 4 months we have been working to reproduce on the screen an unusual geometric shape, the illusion of volumetric overhangs. We took into account all the features of the screen, analyzed the angles and found the optimal point from which the frame would work as well as possible."

Starting today, all will be able to see the "three-dimensional" effect without the need for 3D glasses, and due to the fact that the installation is accompanied by sound, passers-by will have the feeling that a spaceship is about to land in the very center of Kiev.

“Our state-of-the-art screens, which are positioned throughout the Gulliver façade, are designed for such ideas. This is no longer just an advertisement, it is something that surprises and fascinates. After all, at first we wanted huge LED screens to become an integral part of the architectural design of the complex of buildings, today we understand that we are creating a world-class show in which the most modern technologies are involved," says Tatiana Atadzhanova, PR director of the Guliiver shopping and entertainment center." A similar technology was used in South Korea, when the giant anamorphic illusion "Wave" was shown on an advertising screen in Seoul. Our screens are 3 times larger than those in Seoul, which means that we have a lot to develop and create new stories. By the way, we are already working with partners to create a program that will allow us to interact with this installation using a smartphone."

Today, to create the maximum effect of depth, "Space Show" must be viewed on the screen from a certain angle; for this, the organizers have marked the best places with special stickers.

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