Reserved #ICanBoogie - news from SEC Gulliver

Reserved #ICanBoogie

John Cully and Jeanne Damas are returning to the second part of the Reserved campaign. This time I Can Boogie campaign takes us to the very heart of Warsaw. Girls bring us to the new season - and we are witnessing a sensual, non-verbal dialogue between Polish and French stars.

Reserved encourages the combination of individual elements, forgetting about strict rules. This applies to everything from dance to ending your style. Forget the rules imposed, choose what you like, be stylish and extraordinary!

Classic or retro? Is it kept tight? Can not choose? Choose both options with the new Reserved #IcanBoogie collections

The 128th branch of Nova Poshta is changing its location! The 128th branch of Nova Poshta is changing its location! Zielinski & Rozen opened in the Gulliver shopping mall Zielinski & Rozen opened in the Gulliver shopping mall Photo Project “You and Kyiv” Photo Project “You and Kyiv” More