NK – also known as Nastya Kamenskikh – Ukrainian singer, actress, presenter, judge and mentor of the Ukrainian vocal show "X-Factor", coach "Voice of the Country", influencer, author of NKblog, founder of the sportswear brand NKsport, as well as the first Ukrainian singer, which hit the authoritative Billboard chart and conquered Latin America with her work.The singer's career began in 2004, when she loudly announced herself at the Black Sea Games festival, collecting a large number of awards and the grand prix of the festival. A year later, the singer was waiting for the first recognition on the international stage in London, where she was awarded the UBN Awards in the category "Discovery of the Year". Later, the singer became a soloist of the Potap and Nastya duet, which for more than ten years was at the peak of success and became legendary, having won over 50 top music awards and prizes.In 2017, Nastya Kamenskikh creates her own company NICE2CU and launches a solo project - NK - music for which there are no boundaries. Thus, NK becomes the first performer from Ukraine to conquer the international Billboard and SHAZAM Global charts with the popular hits "Peligroso" and "Elefante". 2020 the singer has released her first Spanish-language album "Eclectica".NK also became the first female singer to be invited to the 19th Annual Latin American Music Grammy Awards.On a national scale, NK is the owner of more than 40 of the most famous and authoritative awards in the country, such as M1 Music Awards, Chervona Ruta, Russian Radio, Cosmopolitan Awards, TRK Ukraine, YUNA awards and others.

NK Nastia Kamenskykh