Steel Evolution
Your unique style may depend literally on one small detail, such as a bracelet or a massive ring. Steel Evolution is a store that gives you the opportunity to find the very missing part of your image. Large jewelry, an informal style of the product, a wide selection of accessories, quality and service - all this you will find on the second floor of the Gulliver shopping center.
Steel Evolution's advantage is that all jewelry is made with medical, surgical and stainless steel.
Dukachi is a Ukrainian jewelry brand
DEKA 1 floorDeca is the number one watch store in Ukraine. In order to emphasize their status, individuality and exquisite taste, to create their own unique style – DECA has been helping its customers to express themselves by an acquisition of branded watches for more than 25 years.
SOVA 1 floorSOVA is a jewelry trendsetter brand that uses collections to introduce new goods and demonstrates bravery, willingness to experiments and freedom.