On the Square of stars opened stars to Paralympians - news from SEC Gulliver

On the Square of stars opened stars to Paralympians

On October 19, three bright stars appeared on the" square of Stars", which is a symbol of recognition, support and popularization of national culture, art and sports to the heroes of Ukraine, Paralympic sports stars. The first one "lit up" in honor of Maxim Kripak, a Ukrainian paraglider, five — time champion and three-time silver medalist of the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, five-time champion of the 2020 Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo (2021), multiple world and European Paralympic champion in swimming. The second one is in honor of Olena Yurkovskaya — a Ukrainian biathlete and skier; Honored Master of sports of Ukraine; hero of Ukraine , multiple champion and medalist of the Winter Paralympic Games (2002 - 2014). And the third star for Viktor Smirnov — Ukrainian swimmer, six-time champion, multiple silver and bronze medalist of the Paralympic Games , multiple world and European champion in swimming . Viktor is a full knight of the order of courage , Knight of the order of merit , honorary citizen of Slavyansk and Donetsk , Honored Master of sports of Ukraine in swimming. Totally blind athlete, participant of the 5th Paralympics in swimming.

Sports stars appeared thanks to several stages. The first is the recommendations of the expert commission, which includes representatives of Gulliver, the NGO Spilna Pobeda, the Ministry of youth and sports, and the NOC. The second is whether these candidates have Awards and recognition in the professional sphere, their presence in the media space and in popularity ratings. Also, once a year, a survey is conducted among the public and visitors of the shopping center, and based on the results, the commission makes a final list of stars.

Having received a star on the "square of stars" Viktor Smirnov noted that this star is very important for him. "It is a great honor for me to be among the cohort of people who have achieved success in life. Thank you to the National Paralympic Committee of Ukraine, which nominated me and two other great stars of Paralympic sports – Elena Yurkovskaya and Maxim Kripak — for this award, thank you to all the organizers of this event, and first of all — Gulliver shopping center and the society that recognizes the achievements of Ukrainian Paralympians!». Valery Sushkevich, president of the National Paralympic Committee of Ukraine, sincerely said: "This is truly a unique event — the opening of three Paralympic stars! Yes — and what-heroes of Ukraine! Heroes of Ukrainian Paralympic sports are providers of the formation and recognition of Ukraine in the world. It is very significant that the recognition of Ukrainian Paralympians is becoming part of the public consciousness of Ukrainian citizens, the government, civil society and socially responsible businesses. And let even more sports stars of people with disabilities light up on the "square of stars" here in the center of our capital! We are grateful for your support, because, as all athletes with disabilities say: "your support is our victory!""

On October 19, 2021, 79, 80 and 81 stars were laid on the "square of stars" and these are 48, 49 and 50 stars on the "sport"part.

Reference:" square of Stars " is an all – Ukrainian social project aimed at supporting and popularizing national culture, art and sports. In the city center, the stars of outstanding Ukrainians, people who have achieved the best results in their work in three categories are "lit up": theater / cinema, music, sports.  They are made of brass measuring 30 by 60 cm, have an index of the winner's contribution (cinema, music, sports) and a QR code that leads to the project page and tells about the achievements of the winner. Now Kiev residents and guests of the city can come, see and take photos with the named "stars" of people who are considered famous in Ukraine. "Square of stars" is designed to become a pride and reminder for every Ukrainian about the great achievements of our compatriots, encourage the development of the city and the nation as a whole, and become a cultural heritage for future generations. Become a public attraction.

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