The contest of doubles by Olya Polyakova ended with fireworks awards - news from SEC Gulliver

The contest of doubles by Olya Polyakova ended with fireworks awards

Ten thousand from the pop diva went to a young man from Odessa

Monday, September 17th, for the most dedicated fans of Superblonde was not only bright and joyful, but full of rewards. In the TC "Gulliver" took place All-Ukrainian contest of parodists named after Olya Polyakova, in the finals of which were 11 most outstanding participants. Among them were not only girls, but also guys, as well as travesty divas, known for their parody of Polyakov in show business.

Children, for whom the competition became full of colors and music, did not stay aside. The youngest participant named Tina is only four years old, but this did not stop her from performing well before the jury, which included Olya Polyakova, director Elena Vinyarska and producer Mikhail Yasinsky. For her performance the baby got the title "Miss Sincerity".

However, sincerity, talent and courage were abundant enough for other participants of the finals, who represented grotesque shows, incendiary dances, songs and even acrobatic sketches. Everything that is happening is best described by the joke of the evening from Polyakova: "When hens dance - feathers and rhinestones fly."

In different nominations, and their number was equal to the number of participants, the most sparkling copies of the pop diva won: Dima Chernikov, Igor Motin, Naomi Malone, Elena Shtylyk, Vladislav Kotul, Inna Pupach, Polina Kravchenko. They came from different cities of Ukraine, united by their love for their idol.

Honorary title "Queen of the Night" and the main prize of 10 thousand hryvnia was a young man from Odessa, who concealed his name under the pseudonym Shpilka. The victory was not easy for him: the guy practically does not hear anything, so he had to learn the song and the dance he had, being in unequal conditions with the other contestants, counting the clock cycles and copying the articulation of the beloved singer. Nevertheless, both the costume and the performance were recognized by the jury and the public as close as possible to the original.

Olya Polyakova was impressed with all her copies and promised that the contest would be repeated again next year. During this time, the singer will release even more hits, so that the parodists had something to do.

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