Safety Day from the State Emergency Service in Gulliver shopping center - news from SEC Gulliver

Safety Day from the State Emergency Service in Gulliver shopping center

This Saturday, November 19, on the 4th floor of the Gulliver Shopping Center, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine will host a Safety Day. Anyone can attend the training from 12:00 to 16:00. Entry is free for everyone.

Three zones will work in the openspace: mine safety, pre-medical assistance, and children's psychologists.

As part of the mine safety training, pyrotechnicians will demonstrate samples of explosive objects and tell about the safety rules for handling them. In the area of ​​first aid, everyone will learn how to correctly perform indirect heart massage and what are the first steps to stop bleeding.

A separate zone with interactive activities will be organized for children. Together with professional psychologists, they will draw, make anti-stress toys and perform calming game exercises.

Fire safety specialists will also visit the location in parallel with the zones. Therefore, visitors will have a unique opportunity to personally ask what most often provokes household fires and how to avoid them.

Importantly! In the event of a power outage, the mall continues to operate with generators, including the security space on the 4th floor. However, during an air alert, we urge everyone to go down to the certified shelter in the P-1 parking lot without fail.

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