Terrace Talk with Alan Badoev - events | SEC Gulliver

Terrace Talk with Alan Badoev

We have been waiting for this for a long time! We are happy to announce the start of the new season of the open air project of Gulliver Shopping Center — Talk Terrace!

The first meeting is about cinema with the star guest, director and producer Alan Badoev!

We are waiting for you on May 22 at 18:30 on the terrace, 5th floor of the Gulliver shopping center.

Entry is free with registration on the website: https://gullivercenter.com/

Throughout the summer, we will meet with you on the terrace to discuss the most interesting topics: Ukrainian YouTube, TikTok, sports and humor, theater and music, and more. 😎
Waiting for you:
- live communication with industry leaders
- panoramic view
- cozy atmosphere

We have prepared a lot of interesting and wow speakers for you, stay tuned for announcements!

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