Kievan Rus in the Gulliver shopping center - events | SEC Gulliver

Kievan Rus in the Gulliver shopping center

In the center of modern Kyiv will revive Kievan Rus

In Gulliver shopping center on Friday, June 21 at 6:30 pm, visitors can learn a lot of new and interesting things about the life of our ancestors during the times of Kievan Rus.

Guests waiting for the display of medieval fashion. Visitors will not only see firsthand authentic costumes of residents of Kievan Rus: princesses, boyars, warriors, etc., recreated on the basis of knowledge of modern science, but also learn how to determine the social status of its owner, and even the number and gender of his children, using individual details of the costume.

Also, visitors will learn about military ammunition since the Kievan Rus. Guests will be able to see the foot soldiers and horse archers (both Rus, and Scythians) in full combat garb. Anyone who wishes can not only see but pick up real medieval shields, swords, spears, bows, wear chain mail and a helmet. All armor and weapons are made in strict accordance with historical samples. Not every day you can arrange such a colorful photo shoot!

In addition, you can see the techniques of conducting foot combat using various types of medieval weapons.

The highlight will be familiarity with the traditional for Ukraine ancient martial art - horsemanship archery. Our distant ancestors Scythians and Russians masterly owned this kind of martial art. On Friday, June 21, light armor of horse archers, both nomads, and Rus, various types of medieval saddles will show visitors. And of course, guests can pick up traditional wooden bows and arrows, leather and felt quivers.

Everyone will be able to test themselves for strength in the heroic games: dedication in the boyars, the test of medieval pads, endurance testing in the old style. Winners will receive prizes from the Ancient Kiev of the Principality of Kievan Rus.

Presenters: Alexander Sokolinsky, Alexander Andrienko

In honor of the event, Gulliver gives 20 invitations to the park of Kievan Rus. To compete for a gift, join the draw in our social networks.


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