UP to 50% in BROCARD - news from SEC Gulliver

UP to 50% in BROCARD

Autumn, a time of bright colors, fragrant fruits and a variety of bounties! We do not neglect the rules of nature and surprise with our generosity: from 1 to 30 September 2020, discounts of up to 50% apply to selected products. Collect a basket of beauty products for yourself and your friends from BROCARD

Under the terms of the promotion, a discount of 30%, 40% or 50%, which is indicated on the price list, is provided for a certain list of goods. Other promotions and discounts, including discount cards, are not valid during the promotion. When buying using gift cards, a 30%, 40% or 50% discount is valid only when paying the difference between the selling price of the goods without a discount and the amount of gift card denominations. More than two thousand items take part in the action.

Additional information - from the consultants of the store.

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