We continue to fill our Square of Stars with new outstanding names - events | SEC Gulliver

We continue to fill our Square of Stars with new outstanding names

Оn July 14 at 17:00 we will open three stars for Ukrainian athletes.

Lydia Solovyova - Ukrainian champion in powerlifting, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Paralympic champion of 2004, 2008 and 2016, silver medalist of 2000, bronze medalist of the Paralympic Games of 2012 in London.

Alexey Mikhailichenko is a Ukrainian football player and coach. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. Honored coach of Ukraine.

Alexey Zhitnik is a Ukrainian hockey player. Olympic champion, honored master of sports.

We invite everyone to visit the opening of Star Square and chat with esteemed athletes and guests.

See you at Gulliver!

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