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- floor

Looking for something cool to do over the weekend together with a few of your friends? How does saving the world and becoming a hero of the entire galaxy sound to you?

On the sixth floor in Gulliver trade center you will find VR Inn, a new full body free-roam VR club. While there are some 15000 regular VR clubs in the world today, only 200 of them offer full body immersion. One of them is now right around the corner, in the heart of Kyiv.

What is the VR Inn experience:
You’ll be able to live through an adventure that is impossible to reproduce in real life - and literally touch the VR world. You’ll find out how the latest full body VR technology works - and will take note how your head, torso, arms, legs, and even fingers are displayed within the game.
You’ll find out what full immersion really is, and get lost in the virtual world, forgetting that the realone exists in the first place.
You’ll be able to shoot the army of monsters - and come up with the winning tactics in the team of 4 players.
You’ll be controlling the game with your entire body, and not the silly joysticks.
You’ll see your body ported to VR - and other players’ bodies too.
You’ll get 100 square meters of playable space - unlike the regular VR rooms with that have 2x2 meter zones.
You’ll experience an unparalleled spectrum of emotions - from sheer excitement to fear, from free fall to winner’s euphoria.
We make anything possible - and this is larger-than-life!

How do I find VR Inn:

We are located on the sixth floor, in the corridor that connects the Gulliver Trade Center and Business Tower. More specifically:
You go up to the sixth floor - you can use an elevator or escalator.
You go past Sushiya restaurant, children’s entertainment center and dentist clinic all the way to the door to the Business Tower.
You go through this door and look right.