This New Year, we decided that one holiday would not be enough - so we came up with a triple holiday for you!
On December 21, on the opening day of the New Year tree, a classic fairy tale with incredible decorations, insane shopping, and bright stars will unite under the roof of the shopping center Gulliver:
- Andrei Boyko - singer with an incredible voice, the main character of the series “School” and just handsome!
- Kristina Shishpor - Prima Ballerina of the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Ukraine named after T. G. Shevchenko, the heroine of the video "TIK" and Oleg Vinnyk
- Sergey Kostetsky - the winner of the TV projects “Dancing with the Stars” and “I Dance for You”, the director of the TV show “Top Model in Ukrainian” and “The Girl: New Life”
- Participants "The Voice Kids" and SUPER SCHOOL - Veronika Kovalenko, Katya Manuzina, Yaroslav Rogalsky, Veronika Derkach, Daria Galitskaya, Dasha Bayramova, and Nika Atanasova!
“Spilyasti Kobzari” - their performances always surprise the public and raise their spirits, they are unexpected, cheerful, and positive.
And the end of the festive evening will decorate the speech of Sergey Babkin!
The event will take place on December 21 from 5 pm to 9 pm in the central atrium of Gulliver.
You are waiting for memorable meetings with celebrity guests, fabulous shopping, contests, and gifts.
Holiday details will be published in the event on Facebook
See you in Gulliver!