
Lecture "Peace in parenting: how parents can overcome stress and maintain balance"

Friends, for technical reasons, the lecture has been postponed to June 23!

During June, the Gulliver Shopping Center in partnership with the "Voices of Children" charitable foundation will hold a series of "Voice Lectures"

Lectures will help parents, children and teenagers find peace and balance, adapt to difficult conditions and maintain their mental health.

The lecture is aimed at helping parents understand the mechanisms of stress, teaching effective stress resistance strategies and methods of maintaining peace and balance in raising children.


Definition and mechanisms of stress.
The role of parental stress resistance in family life.
Stress management and self-regulation techniques.
Practical exercises for the development of stress resistance.
The lecture will take place on June 9 at 1:00 p.m. on the 8th floor of the Gulliver shopping center!

You can register here.

The cost of participation is a symbolic donation of 300 hryvnias. All funds collected will be donated to the "Voices of Children" charitable foundation to provide psychological and psychosocial assistance to children affected by the war. The number of places is limited to 50 participants. You can make a donation at the location.

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