Question1 з 7
A — We go somewhere to have dinner, and then — for a walk B — We go to have fun with friends C — the only one I love is my job D — We cook dinner, watch a movie E — My beloved is myself, so I take a bath and warm up after a cold day
A — Couple skydiving B — A secret party organized specially for me С — Day off please! D — Unusual guided tour E — A ticket to a place where Valentine’s Day is not celebrated
A — If he / she forgot about our anniversary B — If he / she went on a trip without me C — If he / she got a job with me D — If he / she finished watching the series without me!! E — If he / she called me sweetie / honey
A — I like it, there is an additional opportunity to spend time together B — I love it! One more reason to have a party! С — If it weren’t extra weekends or corporate parties, I wouldn’t notice D — I have neutral attitude to the holidays, but I like taking pictures in front of urban scenery E — I'm annoyed by all this hype around
A — Pinchuk Art Center, to walk holding hands and quietly laugh at the strangest exhibits B — Podil with all its atmospheric streets and coffeeshops C — Gulliver shopping mall, because it’s located in the center and you can combine everything at once: cinema, food court, and planned purchases D — My apartment: to order a lot of delicious food and watch an interesting movie E — A small green lawn, where it is quiet and cozy
A — I always had the largest number of valentines in the class B — A week before the holiday there was a pile of signed valentines in my room C — I'm ashamed, but every year I forgot to buy valentines and therefore I re-gifted my own cards D — Modestly, I always sent a valentine through secret mail E — I often played truant at that day to avoid all that fuss around Valentine’s Day
A — Noah and Allie from “The Notebook” B — Ross and Rachel from "Friends" C — Jim and Pam from “The Office” D — Jack and Rose from “Titanic” E — Gomez and Morticia from “The Addams Family”

Day V has come!

Due to all this romantic fuss you got a second breath. That's why you watch your favorite romсoms all week long and create inspiring playlists!

We envy your soul mate, because he/she’ll get the most beautiful valentine and the most atmospheric evening!

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You sincerely resent why February 14 is handed only to romantic couples.

This is a celebration of love, but it can be different. Love for the best friends, parents, children and love for yourself as well.

In fact, why is Secret Santa celebrated in the office, but Secret Valentine is usually forgotten about? You don't think that's fair at all!

Therefore, today you take the situation under your control and, with a year's supply of valentines, go to give smiles and hugs to your closest beloved people.

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Every day you run somewhere: to work, to go shopping, sometimes to the cinema or to a cafe…

And then you look up and don’t understand: when did they manage to remove the Christmas trees and hook red hearts everywhere?

Aaah, that's right, Valentine's Day or, translated into the language of those who are always tense and busy — one more holiday that will just pass you by (((

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There is a day that you fear like fire. And this is not a graduate degree at a university or a presentation of a project to a client.

This is Valentine's Day. The day when kisses in Instagram stories and love confessions in all social medias make you think that something is wrong with you if today you are single.

But don't be sad. Your soulmate is definitely waiting for you somewhere! And we have also some good news for you — sparkling wine and chocolates in stores are still discounted. It will be possible to get supplies a month in advance))

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If you see at least one more ad for sushi sets made specially for a couple, then there will be no mercy. Instagram is getting its dose of the meanest stories!

Well, really, how long can they talk about “these lovers”. And what about the rest of us? We have to stay at home and not check our social medias, so as not to roll eyes once again?

Rrr, annoying!

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