
Елена Пидгрушная

Елена Пидгрушная — украинская биатлонистка, заслуженный мастер спорта Украины, чемпионка Олимпийских игр. Среди спортивных достижений — золотой призер этапа Кубка мира 2009г. В Рупольдинге (эстафета), бронзовый призер чемпионата мира среди юниоров и юношей 2006г., Серебряный призер чемпионата Европы 2007 среди юниоров, золотая медалистка в составе эстафетной команды чемпионата Европы 2009 года (г.. Уфа, Россия), серебряная медалистка в составе эстафетной команды чемпионата Европы 2010 года (город Отепя, Эстония) . На чемпионате мира 2011 года в Ханты-Мансийске получила «серебро» в эстафете 4х6 км, однако из-за нарушения антидопинговых правил Оксаной Хвостенко международный союз биатлонистов лишил украинскую женскую эстафетную четверку второго места в гонке чемпионата мира по биатлону-2011. На чемпионате мира 2013 году получила 3 ​​медали: золотую в спринте, серебряную в эстафете и бронзовую в гонке преследования.

Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-0
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-1
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-2
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-3
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-4
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-5
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-6
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-7
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-8
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-9
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-10
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-11
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-12
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-13
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-14
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-15
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-16
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-17
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-18
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-19
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-20
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-21
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-22
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-23
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-24
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-25
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-26
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-27
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-28
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-29
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-30
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-31
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-32
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-33
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-34
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-35
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-36
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-37
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-38
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-39
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-40
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-41
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-42
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-43
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-44
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-45
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-46
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-47
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-48
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-49
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-50
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-51
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-52
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-53
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-54
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-55
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-56
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-57
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-58
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-59
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-60
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-61
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-62
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-63
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-64
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-65
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-66
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-67
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-68
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-69
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-70
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-71
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-72
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-73
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-74
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-75
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-76
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-77
Opening of stars Oleg Blokhin, Olena Podrushny and memory star Valery Lobanovsky image-78