
Вита Семеренко

Вита Семеренко — заслуженный мастер спорта, чемпионка в эстафетной гонке и бронзовый призер в спринте Зимних олимпийских игр Сочи 2014. Спортивная карьера Виты берет начало с 2000 года. На Универсиаде в 2007 году Семеренко завоевала золото в гонке преследования, серебро — в эстафете, бронзу — в спринте и индивидуальной гонке. В 2011 году на Универсиаде Вита стала первой в спринте, гонке преследования и смешанной эстафете. С 2001 года Вита выступает в тандеме с сестрой близнецом Валентиной Семеренко. Вместе спортсменки завоевали более 25 совместных медалей. Вита — четырехкратная призерка Чемпионатов мира по биатлону, победительница и призерка этапов Кубка мира, пятиразова чемпионка Европы. Кавалер «Ордена княгини Ольги» II и III степеней. Обладательница ордена "За заслуги" III и II степени. В августе 2015 спортсменке присвоено звание «Почетный гражданин города Сумы». Кроме спортивных достижений Вита имеет звание майора СБУ. Имя Виты Семеренко давно вошло в историю мирового биатлона.

Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-0
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-1
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-2
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-3
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-4
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-5
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-6
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-7
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-8
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-9
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-10
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-11
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-12
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-13
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-14
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-15
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-16
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-17
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-18
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-19
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-20
Stars were opened on the "Square of Stars": biathletes - Vita Semerenko and Valentina Semerenko, gymnasts - Stella Zakharova! image-21