
Олег Скрипка / Группа ВВ

Олег Скрипка — украинский музыкант-мультиинструменталист, вокалист, композитор, лидер группы «Вопли Видоплясова». Неизменным руководителем и идейным вдохновителем группы «Вопли Видоплясова» является Олег Скрипка. Имея техническое образование и любовь к научной фантастике Олег нашел свое призвание в музыке. Историческая встреча Олега Скрипки и его будущих коллег по группе «ВВ» состоялась весной 1986 в студенческом общежитии №15 КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского. Так началась история первого украинского рок-группы, так началась история украинской рок - музыки. Стремительное взлет и успех сквозь годы, сквозь хиты «Танцы», «Весна», «День рождения» и множество других незабываемых треков, имеются в сердце несколько поколений украинцев.Свой вклад Олег Скрипка привнес и в украинскую культуру, начав ряд фестивалей «Страна Грез», «Рок - Сич», «Монмартр на Андреевском спуске», «Осень Средневековья» и еще большое количество художественных качественных событий. Семейные ценности, любовь к земле, традициям, экология жизни и музыки – основной месседж, несущий в себе идеи мероприятий.Олега Скрипку по праву называют новатором и культурным революционером. Его смелые идеи вдохновляют и трансформируют жизнь к лучшему. Именно поэтому столько лет он остается на волне актуальности и хайпа. Новому поколению музыкантов он также всегда советует быть свободными в своих мыслях и в действиях.

Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-0
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-1
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-2
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-3
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-4
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-5
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-6
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-7
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-8
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-9
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-10
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-11
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-12
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-13
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-14
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-15
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-16
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-17
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-18
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-19
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-20
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-21
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-22
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-23
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-24
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-25
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-26
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-27
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-28
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-29
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-30
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-31
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-32
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-33
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-34
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-35
Opening of the star of singer, musician and composer Oleh Skrypka and the first Ukrainian rock band "Vopli Vidopliasova" image-36